Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
DIY le Donnie - Roghainn plumaireachd
[Donnie] Uill mar a chì thu tha diofar seòrsa roghainn agad a thaobh plumaireachd, eadar plastaig agus copar, agus a h-uile seòrsa ceangail cuideachd, ach trobhad 's chì thu dè cho furasta 's a tha iad ri chur ri chèile.
[Donnie] Tha an t-uabhas diofar cheangalan ann airson pìoban ach chan eil iad cho doirbh ri sin a thuigsinn. Seo Yorkshire joint no solder connection agus seall, sin an solder dìreach ann am meadhan na pìoba, dìreach an sin, agus bidh thu dìreach a' glanadh seo, a' cur beagan flux air a' phìob agus an uair sin le beagan teis bidh a' phìob dìonach. Tha mi a' dol a ghlanadh seo dìreach an toiseach agus bidh na proifeiseantaich a' cleachdadh an seòrsa connection seo mar as trice, agus a-nis le beagan flux a chur air, dìreach mar sin.
[Donnie] Agus ann am mionaid no dhà bidh sin dìreach cho teann 's a ghabhas. Chì thu a-nis mar a tha an solder a' dol mun chuairt na pìoba, agus tha seo math airson a bhith ag obair ann an àiteachean far nach eil tòrr rùim agad airson compression joints 's rudan mar sin. Sin agad Yorkshire joint. Ach na làithean seo tha rudan ùra air a' mhargaidh agus 's e push-fits a th' annta. Tha thu dìreach a' putadh na pìoba a-steach dhan union. Sin e. Agus airson a' cheann eile, dìreach an aon seòrsa rud a-rithist. Tha thu dìreach ga phutadh, dìreach mar sin. Ach aon rud, tha iad caran daor.
[Donnie] Seo an fheadhainn as cumanta airson DIY. 'S e compression joints a th' annta agus tha mise a' dol a chleachdadh iad seo bhon t-sinc.
[Donnie] Tha thu dìreach a' toirt iad seo bhon union, agus an uair sin tha thu a' cur an nut air a' phìob agus tha olive an uair sin a' dol air a' phìob. Tha an olive mar fàinne a' greimeachadh na pìoba. Tha an union dìreach a' dol aig ceann na pìoba mar sin agus nuair a tha a h-uile càil a' tighinn ri chèile tha e dìreach a' dùnadh an union. Tha thu a' cleachdadh spanner an siud agus spanner an seo, a' tionndadh sin mar seo. Dìreach mar sin. Agus sin e teann.
[Donnie] Seo an rud a tha mise a' cleachdadh gu math tric a-nis. 'S e plastaig ... Tha e furasta airson a bhith ag obair leis, agus a bharrachd air sin tha e saor. Agus seo am pipe insert. Tha e a' dol am broinn na pìoba. Dìreach mar seo. Agus an uair sin tha a' phìob a' dol dhan chompression joint a tha seo. Dìreach mar sin. Agus cuir seo dìreach ... a' phìob mun cuairt mar sin. Agus sin mar a tha sin ag obair a-nis. Cho furasta, nach eil? Agus faodaidh tu ruith a' phìob seo gu àite sam bith.
[Donnie] 'S e an aon seòrsa suidheachaidh a th' ann airson pìoban uisge salach.
[Donnie] Solvent joints - tha iad furasta. Chan eil thu a' dèanamh càil ach cleachdadh a’ ghlaodh shònraichte seo. Tha e a' dol air a' phìob agus tha seo a' dol, dìreach chì thu mar a tha e ag obair. Agus sin agad e. Bidh e cho teann 's a ghabhas anns an spot. Tha e luath, tha e cliobhar, ach nuair a thèid a' phìob dhan union chan fhaod thu atharrachadh sam bith a dhèanamh.
[Donnie] Tha dà cheangal eile ann airson a bhith a' cur pìoban plastaig ri chèile. A' chiad fhear - push-fit. Tha thu a' cleachdadh an stuth airson a bhith a' glanadh nan soithichean anns an t-sinc. Dìreach rud beag an siud agus cuir mun chuairt e dìreach mar seo agus tha thu dìreach a' putadh na pìoba a-staigh mar sin. Agus a-nis na compression joints . Tha an nut a' tighinn dheth agus tha washer an cùl an nut, dìreach an sin. Tha seo a' dol air a' phìob an toiseach agus an uair sin an washer, ach tha O-Ring ann an turas seo agus tha seòrsa de chamfer air an O-Ring, dìreach an sin, agus air an union, agus tha seo a' suidhe air a' chamfer agus an uair sin bidh an nut a' dol air a' mhullach. Cuir annut agus an uair sin washer, agus an uair sin an O-Ring, agus a-rithist tha thu a' cleachdadh an stuth. Mar seo. Agus seo an union a-nis a' dol air. Agus sin mar a tha nacompression joints ag obair. Sin agad push-fit, compression agus solvent.
[Donnie] Ma tha fios agad mar a tha na diofar cheanglaichean ag obair chan eil an seòrsa obair seo idir duilich.
[Donnie] Uill sin an sinc deiseil a-nis, ach ò am pìos mu dheireadh. Am plug seo.
[Donnie] Not often I give myself a plug, eh?
[Donnie] Deiseil a-nis airson mo làmhan a nighe leis an uisge. A h-aon, a dhà, a trì.
[Donnie] Ò a bhalaich ort.
[Donnie] Càil a-nis a dhìth ach tubhailt.
[Donnie] À uill, tha e ag obair glè mhath, tha mi a' smaointinn, eh? Uisge fuar agus uisge teth. Sin e.
Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.
DIY le Donnie - DIY plumbing choices
[Donnie] Well as you can see you have a choice of different types for plumbing, between plastic and copper, and every sort of connection too, but come and you can see how easy they are to put together.
[Donnie] There are many different connections for pipes but they are not that difficult to understand. Here is a Yorkshire joint or solder connection and look, that is the solder just in the middle of the pipe, just there, and you just clean this, put a little flux on the pipe and then with a little heat the pipe will be secure. I am just going to clean this first and the professionals usually use this sort of connection, and now with a little flux on it just like that.
[Donnie] And in a minute or two that will be as tight as can be. You can see now how the solder goes around the pipe, and this is good for working in places where you don't have much room for compression joints and things like that. There you have a Yorkshire joint. But these days there are new things on the market and they are push-fits. You just push the pipe into the union. That is it. And for the other end, just the same thing again. You just push it, just like that. But one thing, they are quite expensive.
[Donnie] These are the most common ones for DIY. They are compression joints and I am going to use these under the sink.
[Donnie] You just take these from the union, and then you put the nut on the pipe and an olive then goes on the pipe. The olive is like a ring gripping the pipe. The union just goes at the end of the pipe like that and when everything comes together it just closes the union. You use a spanner there and a spanner here, turning that like this. Just like that. And that is it tight.
[Donnie] Here is the thing that I use very often now. It is plastic ... It is easy to work with, and moreover it is cheap. And here is the pipe insert. It goes inside the pipe. Just like this. And then the pipe goes into this compression joint. Just like that. And put this just ... the pipe goes around… And that is how that works now. So easy, isn't it? And you can run the pipe anywhere.
[Donnie] It is the same sort of set-up for waste water pipes.
[Donnie] Solvent joints - they are easy. You don't do anything but use this special glue. It goes on the pipe and this goes, just you can see how it works. And there you have it. That will be as tight as can be in a jiffy. It is fast, it is clever, but when the pipe goes into the union you cannot make any changes.
[Donnie] There are two other connections for joining plastic pipes. The first one - push-fit. You use the stuff for cleaning dishes in the sink. Just a little bit there and spread it around just like this and you just push the pipe in like that. And now the compression joints. The nut comes off and there is a washer behind the nut, just there. This goes on the pipe first and then the washer, but there is an O-ring this time and there is a sort of chamfer on the O-Ring, just there, and on the union, and this sits on the chamfer and then the nut goes on the top. Place the nut and then washer, and then the O-Ring, and again you use the stuff. Like this. And here is the union now going on. And that is how the compression joints work. There you have push-fit, compression and solvent.
[Donnie] If you know how the different connections work this sort of work isn't at all difficult.
[Donnie] Well that is the sink finished now, but oh the final piece. This plug.
[Donnie] Not often I give myself a plug, eh?
[Donnie] Ready now to wash my hands with the water. One, two, three.
[Donnie] Oh by gum.
[Donnie] Now just need a towel.
[Donnie] Ah well, it is working very well, I think, eh? Cold water and hot water. That is it.
This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig
DIY le Donnie - Roghainn plumaireachd
[Donnie] Uill mar a chì thu tha diofar seòrsa roghainn agad a thaobh plumaireachd, eadar plastaig agus copar, agus a h-uile seòrsa ceangail cuideachd, ach trobhad 's chì thu dè cho furasta 's a tha iad ri chur ri chèile.
[Donnie] Tha an t-uabhas diofar cheangalan ann airson pìoban ach chan eil iad cho doirbh ri sin a thuigsinn. Seo Yorkshire joint no solder connection agus seall, sin an solder dìreach ann am meadhan na pìoba, dìreach an sin, agus bidh thu dìreach a' glanadh seo, a' cur beagan flux air a' phìob agus an uair sin le beagan teis bidh a' phìob dìonach. Tha mi a' dol a ghlanadh seo dìreach an toiseach agus bidh na proifeiseantaich a' cleachdadh an seòrsa connection seo mar as trice, agus a-nis le beagan flux a chur air, dìreach mar sin.
[Donnie] Agus ann am mionaid no dhà bidh sin dìreach cho teann 's a ghabhas. Chì thu a-nis mar a tha an solder a' dol mun chuairt na pìoba, agus tha seo math airson a bhith ag obair ann an àiteachean far nach eil tòrr rùim agad airson compression joints 's rudan mar sin. Sin agad Yorkshire joint. Ach na làithean seo tha rudan ùra air a' mhargaidh agus 's e push-fits a th' annta. Tha thu dìreach a' putadh na pìoba a-steach dhan union. Sin e. Agus airson a' cheann eile, dìreach an aon seòrsa rud a-rithist. Tha thu dìreach ga phutadh, dìreach mar sin. Ach aon rud, tha iad caran daor.
[Donnie] Seo an fheadhainn as cumanta airson DIY. 'S e compression joints a th' annta agus tha mise a' dol a chleachdadh iad seo bhon t-sinc.
[Donnie] Tha thu dìreach a' toirt iad seo bhon union, agus an uair sin tha thu a' cur an nut air a' phìob agus tha olive an uair sin a' dol air a' phìob. Tha an olive mar fàinne a' greimeachadh na pìoba. Tha an union dìreach a' dol aig ceann na pìoba mar sin agus nuair a tha a h-uile càil a' tighinn ri chèile tha e dìreach a' dùnadh an union. Tha thu a' cleachdadh spanner an siud agus spanner an seo, a' tionndadh sin mar seo. Dìreach mar sin. Agus sin e teann.
[Donnie] Seo an rud a tha mise a' cleachdadh gu math tric a-nis. 'S e plastaig ... Tha e furasta airson a bhith ag obair leis, agus a bharrachd air sin tha e saor. Agus seo am pipe insert. Tha e a' dol am broinn na pìoba. Dìreach mar seo. Agus an uair sin tha a' phìob a' dol dhan chompression joint a tha seo. Dìreach mar sin. Agus cuir seo dìreach ... a' phìob mun cuairt mar sin. Agus sin mar a tha sin ag obair a-nis. Cho furasta, nach eil? Agus faodaidh tu ruith a' phìob seo gu àite sam bith.
[Donnie] 'S e an aon seòrsa suidheachaidh a th' ann airson pìoban uisge salach.
[Donnie] Solvent joints - tha iad furasta. Chan eil thu a' dèanamh càil ach cleachdadh a’ ghlaodh shònraichte seo. Tha e a' dol air a' phìob agus tha seo a' dol, dìreach chì thu mar a tha e ag obair. Agus sin agad e. Bidh e cho teann 's a ghabhas anns an spot. Tha e luath, tha e cliobhar, ach nuair a thèid a' phìob dhan union chan fhaod thu atharrachadh sam bith a dhèanamh.
[Donnie] Tha dà cheangal eile ann airson a bhith a' cur pìoban plastaig ri chèile. A' chiad fhear - push-fit. Tha thu a' cleachdadh an stuth airson a bhith a' glanadh nan soithichean anns an t-sinc. Dìreach rud beag an siud agus cuir mun chuairt e dìreach mar seo agus tha thu dìreach a' putadh na pìoba a-staigh mar sin. Agus a-nis na compression joints . Tha an nut a' tighinn dheth agus tha washer an cùl an nut, dìreach an sin. Tha seo a' dol air a' phìob an toiseach agus an uair sin an washer, ach tha O-Ring ann an turas seo agus tha seòrsa de chamfer air an O-Ring, dìreach an sin, agus air an union, agus tha seo a' suidhe air a' chamfer agus an uair sin bidh an nut a' dol air a' mhullach. Cuir annut agus an uair sin washer, agus an uair sin an O-Ring, agus a-rithist tha thu a' cleachdadh an stuth. Mar seo. Agus seo an union a-nis a' dol air. Agus sin mar a tha nacompression joints ag obair. Sin agad push-fit, compression agus solvent.
[Donnie] Ma tha fios agad mar a tha na diofar cheanglaichean ag obair chan eil an seòrsa obair seo idir duilich.
[Donnie] Uill sin an sinc deiseil a-nis, ach ò am pìos mu dheireadh. Am plug seo.
[Donnie] Not often I give myself a plug, eh?
[Donnie] Deiseil a-nis airson mo làmhan a nighe leis an uisge. A h-aon, a dhà, a trì.
[Donnie] Ò a bhalaich ort.
[Donnie] Càil a-nis a dhìth ach tubhailt.
[Donnie] À uill, tha e ag obair glè mhath, tha mi a' smaointinn, eh? Uisge fuar agus uisge teth. Sin e.
Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.
DIY le Donnie - DIY plumbing choices
[Donnie] Well as you can see you have a choice of different types for plumbing, between plastic and copper, and every sort of connection too, but come and you can see how easy they are to put together.
[Donnie] There are many different connections for pipes but they are not that difficult to understand. Here is a Yorkshire joint or solder connection and look, that is the solder just in the middle of the pipe, just there, and you just clean this, put a little flux on the pipe and then with a little heat the pipe will be secure. I am just going to clean this first and the professionals usually use this sort of connection, and now with a little flux on it just like that.
[Donnie] And in a minute or two that will be as tight as can be. You can see now how the solder goes around the pipe, and this is good for working in places where you don't have much room for compression joints and things like that. There you have a Yorkshire joint. But these days there are new things on the market and they are push-fits. You just push the pipe into the union. That is it. And for the other end, just the same thing again. You just push it, just like that. But one thing, they are quite expensive.
[Donnie] These are the most common ones for DIY. They are compression joints and I am going to use these under the sink.
[Donnie] You just take these from the union, and then you put the nut on the pipe and an olive then goes on the pipe. The olive is like a ring gripping the pipe. The union just goes at the end of the pipe like that and when everything comes together it just closes the union. You use a spanner there and a spanner here, turning that like this. Just like that. And that is it tight.
[Donnie] Here is the thing that I use very often now. It is plastic ... It is easy to work with, and moreover it is cheap. And here is the pipe insert. It goes inside the pipe. Just like this. And then the pipe goes into this compression joint. Just like that. And put this just ... the pipe goes around… And that is how that works now. So easy, isn't it? And you can run the pipe anywhere.
[Donnie] It is the same sort of set-up for waste water pipes.
[Donnie] Solvent joints - they are easy. You don't do anything but use this special glue. It goes on the pipe and this goes, just you can see how it works. And there you have it. That will be as tight as can be in a jiffy. It is fast, it is clever, but when the pipe goes into the union you cannot make any changes.
[Donnie] There are two other connections for joining plastic pipes. The first one - push-fit. You use the stuff for cleaning dishes in the sink. Just a little bit there and spread it around just like this and you just push the pipe in like that. And now the compression joints. The nut comes off and there is a washer behind the nut, just there. This goes on the pipe first and then the washer, but there is an O-ring this time and there is a sort of chamfer on the O-Ring, just there, and on the union, and this sits on the chamfer and then the nut goes on the top. Place the nut and then washer, and then the O-Ring, and again you use the stuff. Like this. And here is the union now going on. And that is how the compression joints work. There you have push-fit, compression and solvent.
[Donnie] If you know how the different connections work this sort of work isn't at all difficult.
[Donnie] Well that is the sink finished now, but oh the final piece. This plug.
[Donnie] Not often I give myself a plug, eh?
[Donnie] Ready now to wash my hands with the water. One, two, three.
[Donnie] Oh by gum.
[Donnie] Now just need a towel.
[Donnie] Ah well, it is working very well, I think, eh? Cold water and hot water. That is it.
This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig