Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Sgeadaich d’ìnean agus ionnsaich beagan Gàidhlig
[Ciorstag] ’S dòcha gu bheil e a’ faireachdainn caran faoin ach tha e cudromach gum bi sinn a’ coimhead às ar dèidh fhèin aig an àm seo – le eacarsaich no fèin-chùram ge be dè th’ ann. Is mar sin, tha mise an seo airson tip no dhà a thoirt dhuibh a thaobh maise agus fèin-chùram. An-diugh? Ìnean
[Ciorstag] A’ chiad rud, thoir dheth bhàirnis sam bith a tha ort le stuth rùsgaidh.
[Ciorstag] A-nis cneasan ìne, tha sinn gan iarraidh am putadh air ais, ach feumaidh iad a bhith bog airson seo. Mar sin dèan seo às dèidh amair a ghabhail no ’s urrainn dhut am bogadh ann am bobhla uisge teth le siabann.
[Ciorstag] Cleachd inneal ceart airson gam putadh air ais, no dìreach ìne eile.
[Ciorstag] Cumadh a-nis, tagh dè seòrsa cumaidh a tha thu ag iarraidh is geàrr no faidhlig iad gu sin.
[Ciorstag] An uair sin, lìomhaich. Nis, tha innealan ann mar seo le ceithir ceumannan airson seo a dhèanamh. Chan fheumadh tu seo a dhèanamh ach tha e a’ dèanamh diofar mòr. Bidh am bhàirnis a’ dol air nas fheàrr.
[Ciorstag] A-nist airson bonn. Tha seo cudromach oir bidh e a’ toirt dìon dha na h-ìnean agad. Dìreach cleachd bhàirnis soilleir mur eil fear sònraichte agad.
[Ciorstag] Dath a-nist. An dòigh as fheàrr airson seo a dhèanamh, cuir striop sìos a’ mheadhain, an uair sin cur aon air gach taobh de sin. Na gabh dragh ma tha thu a’ dol air do chraiceann-sa.
[Ciorstag] An dèidh gach ìre de bhàirnis a dhèanamh, FEUMAIDH tu ga fàgail airson tiormachadh.
[Ciorstag] Tha tip agam dhuibh. Ma tha am bhàirnis agad caran stigeach, cuir pìos beag de stuth rùsgaidh na broinn is an uair sin bidh e mar talc-ùr
[Ciorstag] An aon rud ri gach ìre eile. Is dath deiseil
[Ciorstag] Is mar a thuirt mi, an d’ fhuair thu pìos beag air do chraiceann, na gabh dragh. Faigh bruis bheag agus stuth rùsgaidh is sgioblaich an àirde iad.
[Ciorstag] Cota mullaich a-nis gus am bith na h-ìnean agad lìomharra is dìonta.
[Ciorstag] A-nist, ola shònraichte airson nan cleasan-ìne airson am fliuchras fhaighinn air ais. Mur eil sin agad, cleachd ola cnòtha-chòco no ola almoin. Cleachd seo cuideachd mar chè-làimhe no cleachd cè-làimhe cheart.
[Ciorstag] Agus sin agad e. Tha do làimhean is ìnean deiseil. Sgoinneil!
Decorate your nails and learn a bit of Gaelic
[Kirsty] Maybe it feels a little bit vain or shallow, but it’s important that we look after ourselves at this time – with exercise or self-care, whatever it is. So I’m here to give you a tip or two about beauty and self-care. Today? Nails.
[Kirsty] First of all, take off any nail varnish you have on with nail varnish remover.
[Kirsty] Now for cuticles – we want to push them back a little, but they need to be soft for this. So do this after taking bath or you can soak them in a bowl of hot water with soap.
[Kirsty] Use a proper tool to push them back, or just another nail.
[Kirsty] Shaping now – choose what shape you would like and cut or file your nails to that.
[Kirsty] Then buffing. Now, these blocks have four steps to do this. You don’t need to do this step but it makes a huge difference. The varnish will go on on much better.
[Kirsty] Now for a base. This is important because it protects your nails. Just use a clear one if you don’t have a special one.
[Kirsty] Now colour. The best way to do this is to paint one stripe down the middle, then paint one of each side of that. Don’t worry if it goes on your skin.
[Kirsty] After doing each layer of vanish, you MUST let it dry .
[Kirsty] I’ve got a tip for you. If your varnish is a wee bit sticky, put a little bit of nail varnish remover into the bottle, and then it will be like brand new.
[Kirsty] And the same thing for each other layer. And the colour is finished.
[Kirsty] And as I said, if you got a little bit on your skin, don’t worry Get a little brush with some nail varnish remover on it and tidy it up.
[Kirsty] Top-coat now so that your nails will be shiny and protected.
[Kirsty] Now, special oil for the cuticles to get the moisture back. If you don’t have that, use coconut or almond oil. You can also use this as your hand cream or use a normal hand cream.
[Kirsty] And that’s it. Your hands and nails are done. Excellent!
Sgeadaich d’ìnean agus ionnsaich beagan Gàidhlig
[Ciorstag] ’S dòcha gu bheil e a’ faireachdainn caran faoin ach tha e cudromach gum bi sinn a’ coimhead às ar dèidh fhèin aig an àm seo – le eacarsaich no fèin-chùram ge be dè th’ ann. Is mar sin, tha mise an seo airson tip no dhà a thoirt dhuibh a thaobh maise agus fèin-chùram. An-diugh? Ìnean
[Ciorstag] A’ chiad rud, thoir dheth bhàirnis sam bith a tha ort le stuth rùsgaidh.
[Ciorstag] A-nis cneasan ìne, tha sinn gan iarraidh am putadh air ais, ach feumaidh iad a bhith bog airson seo. Mar sin dèan seo às dèidh amair a ghabhail no ’s urrainn dhut am bogadh ann am bobhla uisge teth le siabann.
[Ciorstag] Cleachd inneal ceart airson gam putadh air ais, no dìreach ìne eile.
[Ciorstag] Cumadh a-nis, tagh dè seòrsa cumaidh a tha thu ag iarraidh is geàrr no faidhlig iad gu sin.
[Ciorstag] An uair sin, lìomhaich. Nis, tha innealan ann mar seo le ceithir ceumannan airson seo a dhèanamh. Chan fheumadh tu seo a dhèanamh ach tha e a’ dèanamh diofar mòr. Bidh am bhàirnis a’ dol air nas fheàrr.
[Ciorstag] A-nist airson bonn. Tha seo cudromach oir bidh e a’ toirt dìon dha na h-ìnean agad. Dìreach cleachd bhàirnis soilleir mur eil fear sònraichte agad.
[Ciorstag] Dath a-nist. An dòigh as fheàrr airson seo a dhèanamh, cuir striop sìos a’ mheadhain, an uair sin cur aon air gach taobh de sin. Na gabh dragh ma tha thu a’ dol air do chraiceann-sa.
[Ciorstag] An dèidh gach ìre de bhàirnis a dhèanamh, FEUMAIDH tu ga fàgail airson tiormachadh.
[Ciorstag] Tha tip agam dhuibh. Ma tha am bhàirnis agad caran stigeach, cuir pìos beag de stuth rùsgaidh na broinn is an uair sin bidh e mar talc-ùr
[Ciorstag] An aon rud ri gach ìre eile. Is dath deiseil
[Ciorstag] Is mar a thuirt mi, an d’ fhuair thu pìos beag air do chraiceann, na gabh dragh. Faigh bruis bheag agus stuth rùsgaidh is sgioblaich an àirde iad.
[Ciorstag] Cota mullaich a-nis gus am bith na h-ìnean agad lìomharra is dìonta.
[Ciorstag] A-nist, ola shònraichte airson nan cleasan-ìne airson am fliuchras fhaighinn air ais. Mur eil sin agad, cleachd ola cnòtha-chòco no ola almoin. Cleachd seo cuideachd mar chè-làimhe no cleachd cè-làimhe cheart.
[Ciorstag] Agus sin agad e. Tha do làimhean is ìnean deiseil. Sgoinneil!
Decorate your nails and learn a bit of Gaelic
[Kirsty] Maybe it feels a little bit vain or shallow, but it’s important that we look after ourselves at this time – with exercise or self-care, whatever it is. So I’m here to give you a tip or two about beauty and self-care. Today? Nails.
[Kirsty] First of all, take off any nail varnish you have on with nail varnish remover.
[Kirsty] Now for cuticles – we want to push them back a little, but they need to be soft for this. So do this after taking bath or you can soak them in a bowl of hot water with soap.
[Kirsty] Use a proper tool to push them back, or just another nail.
[Kirsty] Shaping now – choose what shape you would like and cut or file your nails to that.
[Kirsty] Then buffing. Now, these blocks have four steps to do this. You don’t need to do this step but it makes a huge difference. The varnish will go on on much better.
[Kirsty] Now for a base. This is important because it protects your nails. Just use a clear one if you don’t have a special one.
[Kirsty] Now colour. The best way to do this is to paint one stripe down the middle, then paint one of each side of that. Don’t worry if it goes on your skin.
[Kirsty] After doing each layer of vanish, you MUST let it dry .
[Kirsty] I’ve got a tip for you. If your varnish is a wee bit sticky, put a little bit of nail varnish remover into the bottle, and then it will be like brand new.
[Kirsty] And the same thing for each other layer. And the colour is finished.
[Kirsty] And as I said, if you got a little bit on your skin, don’t worry Get a little brush with some nail varnish remover on it and tidy it up.
[Kirsty] Top-coat now so that your nails will be shiny and protected.
[Kirsty] Now, special oil for the cuticles to get the moisture back. If you don’t have that, use coconut or almond oil. You can also use this as your hand cream or use a normal hand cream.
[Kirsty] And that’s it. Your hands and nails are done. Excellent!