Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Latha eile dòrainneach anns an lockdown
[Ricky] Latha eile anns an lockdown.
[Ricky] Latha eile dòrainneach.
[Ricky] Dè dh’fhaodas mi dèanamh airson mo chumail ciallach?
[Ricky] Dh’fhaodainn crìoch a chur air mìrean-measgaichte bhon fhìor-thoiseach gnothaich.
[Ricky] Trì seachdainean on a thòisich mi sin agus chan eil mi faisg air an deireadh idir.
[Ricky] Carson nach do thog mi an fhidheall a-rithist?
[Nabaidh] ‘Will you just shut up?!’
[Ricky] Ahh, ceart, na nàbaidhean.
[Ricky] Chan eil mi dèidheil air sudoku no word searches a bharrachd.
[Ricky] Trì seachdainean a dh’fhalbh agus tha sinn anns an ceathramh seachdain an-dràsta.
[Ricky] Dè nì mi airson cleas?
[Ricky] Rud a bhios gam chumail ann an deagh shunnd.
[Ricky] Tha e agam!
[Ricky] Uill, seall cò bhios soirbheachail air online dating a-nochd!
Another boring day in lockdown
[Ricky] Another day in lockdown.
[Ricky] Another boring day.
[Ricky] What could I do to keep myself sane?
[Ricky] I could finish the jigsaw puzzle from the start of this business.
[Ricky] Three weeks since I started this and I’m not at all close to finishing.
[Ricky] Why don’t I pick up the fiddle again?
[Neighbour] ‘Will you just shut up?!’
[Ricky] Ah right, the neighbours.
[Ricky] I’m not fond of sudoku or word searches either.
[Ricky] Three weeks have passed and we’re in the fourth week now.
[Ricky] What will I do for fun?
[Ricky] Something that will keep me happy.
[Ricky] I’ve got it!
[Ricky] Well, look who will be successful on online dating tonight!
Latha eile dòrainneach anns an lockdown
[Ricky] Latha eile anns an lockdown.
[Ricky] Latha eile dòrainneach.
[Ricky] Dè dh’fhaodas mi dèanamh airson mo chumail ciallach?
[Ricky] Dh’fhaodainn crìoch a chur air mìrean-measgaichte bhon fhìor-thoiseach gnothaich.
[Ricky] Trì seachdainean on a thòisich mi sin agus chan eil mi faisg air an deireadh idir.
[Ricky] Carson nach do thog mi an fhidheall a-rithist?
[Nabaidh] ‘Will you just shut up?!’
[Ricky] Ahh, ceart, na nàbaidhean.
[Ricky] Chan eil mi dèidheil air sudoku no word searches a bharrachd.
[Ricky] Trì seachdainean a dh’fhalbh agus tha sinn anns an ceathramh seachdain an-dràsta.
[Ricky] Dè nì mi airson cleas?
[Ricky] Rud a bhios gam chumail ann an deagh shunnd.
[Ricky] Tha e agam!
[Ricky] Uill, seall cò bhios soirbheachail air online dating a-nochd!
Another boring day in lockdown
[Ricky] Another day in lockdown.
[Ricky] Another boring day.
[Ricky] What could I do to keep myself sane?
[Ricky] I could finish the jigsaw puzzle from the start of this business.
[Ricky] Three weeks since I started this and I’m not at all close to finishing.
[Ricky] Why don’t I pick up the fiddle again?
[Neighbour] ‘Will you just shut up?!’
[Ricky] Ah right, the neighbours.
[Ricky] I’m not fond of sudoku or word searches either.
[Ricky] Three weeks have passed and we’re in the fourth week now.
[Ricky] What will I do for fun?
[Ricky] Something that will keep me happy.
[Ricky] I’ve got it!
[Ricky] Well, look who will be successful on online dating tonight!