Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Dè rinn thusa sa ghàrradh?
[Seonag] Madainn mhath, tha mi anns a’ ghàrradh an-diugh agus tha mi a’ dol a shealltainn dhuibh na rudan a tha mi air a bhith a’ dèanamh airson cur seachad tìde anns an glasadh-sluaigh a tha seo. Tha mi air a bhith a’ gearradh an fheur, ’s a’ gearradh mhaidean airson an teine anns a’ gheamhradh agus a’ togail na weeds am measg rud no dhà eile.
[Seonag] Ceart, tha am feur deiseil airson a’ chiad ghearradh dhen bhliadhna. ‘S fìor thoigh leam an obair seo, gus am buail an hayfever orm. ‘S toigh leam a bhith a’ cladhach sa ghàrradh, gu h-àraid le glasraich ach an-diugh bha mi a’ cladhach a-mach na weeds bho na flùraichean. Tha seo cudromach airson ’s gum bi àite gu leòr airson nam flùraichean a’ fàs gu ceart. Leis an glasadh-sluaigh agus an t-sìde àlainn, ’s e àm math a th’ ann airson a bhith a’ dèanamh na h-obrach seo.
[Seonag] Tha tòrr chraobhan marbha timcheall air an taigh againn agus chruinnich sinn na maidean a bha air tuiteam sìos airson an gearradh suas agus an tioramachadh airson an teine anns a’ gheamhradh. Bha tòrr mhaidean againn, ach gu fortanach, tha gu leòr tìde againn.
[Seonag] Feumaidh na maidean a bhith glè thioram mus tèid iad air an teine no lìonaidh iad an t-similear le salchar. An obair mu dheireadh a bh’ agam an-diugh ’s e a bhith a’ cleachdadh na làmhaige gus kindling a dhèanamh. Cha robh mi math air a seo idir ’s cha mhòr nach do chaill mi m’ òrdag. ’S dòch’ nach bi gin air fhàgail aig an astar seo!
What have you done in the garden?
[Seonag] Good morning, I’m in the garden today and I’m going to show you the things I’ve been doing for some of the time in this lockdown. I’ve been cutting the grass and chopping branches for the fire in the winter and picking up weeds amongst one or two other things.
[Seonag] Right, the grass is ready for the first cut of the year. I really enjoy this work, until the hay fever hits me. I like to be digging in the garden, especially with vegetables, but today I was digging out the weeds from the flowers. This is important so that there is enough space for the flowers to grow properly. With the lockdown and the beautiful weather, it’s a good time to be doing this work.
[Seonag] There are lots of dead trees around our house and we collected the branches that had fallen down to chop them up and dry them for the fire in the winter. There were lots of branches, but luckily, we have plenty of time.
[Seonag] The branches have to be very dry before they go on the fire or they’ll fill the chimney with dirt. The last job that I have today is to use the axe to make kindling. I wasn’t good at this at all and I almost lost my thumb. Maybe there won’t be any left at this rate!
Dè rinn thusa sa ghàrradh?
[Seonag] Madainn mhath, tha mi anns a’ ghàrradh an-diugh agus tha mi a’ dol a shealltainn dhuibh na rudan a tha mi air a bhith a’ dèanamh airson cur seachad tìde anns an glasadh-sluaigh a tha seo. Tha mi air a bhith a’ gearradh an fheur, ’s a’ gearradh mhaidean airson an teine anns a’ gheamhradh agus a’ togail na weeds am measg rud no dhà eile.
[Seonag] Ceart, tha am feur deiseil airson a’ chiad ghearradh dhen bhliadhna. ‘S fìor thoigh leam an obair seo, gus am buail an hayfever orm. ‘S toigh leam a bhith a’ cladhach sa ghàrradh, gu h-àraid le glasraich ach an-diugh bha mi a’ cladhach a-mach na weeds bho na flùraichean. Tha seo cudromach airson ’s gum bi àite gu leòr airson nam flùraichean a’ fàs gu ceart. Leis an glasadh-sluaigh agus an t-sìde àlainn, ’s e àm math a th’ ann airson a bhith a’ dèanamh na h-obrach seo.
[Seonag] Tha tòrr chraobhan marbha timcheall air an taigh againn agus chruinnich sinn na maidean a bha air tuiteam sìos airson an gearradh suas agus an tioramachadh airson an teine anns a’ gheamhradh. Bha tòrr mhaidean againn, ach gu fortanach, tha gu leòr tìde againn.
[Seonag] Feumaidh na maidean a bhith glè thioram mus tèid iad air an teine no lìonaidh iad an t-similear le salchar. An obair mu dheireadh a bh’ agam an-diugh ’s e a bhith a’ cleachdadh na làmhaige gus kindling a dhèanamh. Cha robh mi math air a seo idir ’s cha mhòr nach do chaill mi m’ òrdag. ’S dòch’ nach bi gin air fhàgail aig an astar seo!
What have you done in the garden?
[Seonag] Good morning, I’m in the garden today and I’m going to show you the things I’ve been doing for some of the time in this lockdown. I’ve been cutting the grass and chopping branches for the fire in the winter and picking up weeds amongst one or two other things.
[Seonag] Right, the grass is ready for the first cut of the year. I really enjoy this work, until the hay fever hits me. I like to be digging in the garden, especially with vegetables, but today I was digging out the weeds from the flowers. This is important so that there is enough space for the flowers to grow properly. With the lockdown and the beautiful weather, it’s a good time to be doing this work.
[Seonag] There are lots of dead trees around our house and we collected the branches that had fallen down to chop them up and dry them for the fire in the winter. There were lots of branches, but luckily, we have plenty of time.
[Seonag] The branches have to be very dry before they go on the fire or they’ll fill the chimney with dirt. The last job that I have today is to use the axe to make kindling. I wasn’t good at this at all and I almost lost my thumb. Maybe there won’t be any left at this rate!