Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Farpais Scarecrovid
[Rhoda] Tha sinn trang an-dràsta ann an Tiriodh. ’S tha a h-uile teaghlach air a bhith a’ cur ri chèile bodach-ròcais ann am farpais. ’S e Eilidh Chaimbeul a chuir seo air dòigh.
[Rhoda] Carson?
[Eilidh] Airson rudeigin a dhèanamh ann an lockdown agus airson rud beag thoileachais a thoirt dhan eilean.
[Eilidh] So bha trithead ’s a h-aon ann, ach mu dheireadh bha trithead bodach-ròcais air a chlàradh ann.
[Rhoda] So Dihaoine a th’ ann, agus gach Dihaoine tha mi a’ dol dha na bùithtean.
[Rhoda] Agus tha am farpais a’ ruith an-diugh agus mar siud tha fiughair orm cuid de na bodaich-ròcais fhaicinn fhad ’s a tha mi air mo shlighe.
[Rhoda] Cò bhuannaich?
[Eilidh] Bhuannaich teaghlach ann an Bhalla – agus ’s e Asiah, Arah agus Odhran.
[Rhoda] Agus rinn thu seo – Scarecrowvid – air sgàth ’s Covid agus feuchainn ri fealla-dhà a thoirt don eilean. An dèan thu an-ath-bhliadhn’ e?
[Eilidh] Tha mi smaointinn gun dèan a-rithist ach bidh e rud beag diofraichte.
[Rhoda] Tapadh leatsa Eilidh, agus tapadh leat airson a dhèanamh cuideachd – chòrd e riumsa gu mòr.
[Eilidh] Agus mòran taing airson fear a dhèanamh!
[Rhoda] Bi thusa faiceallach leis a siud!
Scarecrovid Competition
[Rhoda] We’re busy right now in Tiree. And every family have been putting together scarecrows in a competition. Eilidh Campbell organised this.
[Rhoda] Why?
[Eilidh] For something to do in lockdown and to give a bit of cheer to the island.
[Eilidh] So there were 31, but in the end 30 scarecrows were recorded.
[Rhoda] So it’s Friday, and every Friday I go to the shops.
[Rhoda] And the competition is running today and therefore I’m excited to see some of the scarecrows while I’m on my way.
[Rhoda] Who won?
[Eilidh] A family in Vaul won – Asia, Arah and Odhran.
[Rhoda] And you did this – Scarecrovid – because of Covid and to try to bring give some fun to the island.
[Rhoda] Will you do it next year?
[Eilidh] I think again but it will be a wee bit different.
[Rhoda] Thank you Eilidh and thank you for arranging it too – I enjoyed it a lot.
[Eilidh] Thank you for making one!
[Rhoda] You be careful with that!
Farpais Scarecrovid
[Rhoda] Tha sinn trang an-dràsta ann an Tiriodh. ’S tha a h-uile teaghlach air a bhith a’ cur ri chèile bodach-ròcais ann am farpais. ’S e Eilidh Chaimbeul a chuir seo air dòigh.
[Rhoda] Carson?
[Eilidh] Airson rudeigin a dhèanamh ann an lockdown agus airson rud beag thoileachais a thoirt dhan eilean.
[Eilidh] So bha trithead ’s a h-aon ann, ach mu dheireadh bha trithead bodach-ròcais air a chlàradh ann.
[Rhoda] So Dihaoine a th’ ann, agus gach Dihaoine tha mi a’ dol dha na bùithtean.
[Rhoda] Agus tha am farpais a’ ruith an-diugh agus mar siud tha fiughair orm cuid de na bodaich-ròcais fhaicinn fhad ’s a tha mi air mo shlighe.
[Rhoda] Cò bhuannaich?
[Eilidh] Bhuannaich teaghlach ann an Bhalla – agus ’s e Asiah, Arah agus Odhran.
[Rhoda] Agus rinn thu seo – Scarecrowvid – air sgàth ’s Covid agus feuchainn ri fealla-dhà a thoirt don eilean. An dèan thu an-ath-bhliadhn’ e?
[Eilidh] Tha mi smaointinn gun dèan a-rithist ach bidh e rud beag diofraichte.
[Rhoda] Tapadh leatsa Eilidh, agus tapadh leat airson a dhèanamh cuideachd – chòrd e riumsa gu mòr.
[Eilidh] Agus mòran taing airson fear a dhèanamh!
[Rhoda] Bi thusa faiceallach leis a siud!
Scarecrovid Competition
[Rhoda] We’re busy right now in Tiree. And every family have been putting together scarecrows in a competition. Eilidh Campbell organised this.
[Rhoda] Why?
[Eilidh] For something to do in lockdown and to give a bit of cheer to the island.
[Eilidh] So there were 31, but in the end 30 scarecrows were recorded.
[Rhoda] So it’s Friday, and every Friday I go to the shops.
[Rhoda] And the competition is running today and therefore I’m excited to see some of the scarecrows while I’m on my way.
[Rhoda] Who won?
[Eilidh] A family in Vaul won – Asia, Arah and Odhran.
[Rhoda] And you did this – Scarecrovid – because of Covid and to try to bring give some fun to the island.
[Rhoda] Will you do it next year?
[Eilidh] I think again but it will be a wee bit different.
[Rhoda] Thank you Eilidh and thank you for arranging it too – I enjoyed it a lot.
[Eilidh] Thank you for making one!
[Rhoda] You be careful with that!