Entertainment Dibhearsan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Chan e turas àbhaisteach dha na bùithtean a tha seo
[Iain] Madainn mhath. Tha sinn air ar slighe dha na bùithtean an-diugh ach chan e, caran, turas àbhaisteach dha na bùithtean a th’ ann.
[Iain] Tha sinn a’ dol ann às leth banca-bìdh, carthannas Humans MCR.
[Iain] Rachel, Lewey, what’s this?
[Lewey] This is our weekly shopping trip, to various supermarkets and wholesalers across Greater Manchester. With any luck we’ll be able to spend about two thousand pounds today but that will depend on the stock levels that we face in the supermarkets that we go to so wish us luck!
[Iain] Bidh iad a’ sgaoileadh mu dhà no trì tunna de bhiadh gach seachdain, ag obair gu dìcheallach aig gach ìre dhen a’ phròiseas.
[Iain] ‘S e Lewey agus Rachel fhèin a chuir an carthannas air dòigh agus tha iad rim moladh airson an cuid saothair agus an co-fhaireachdainn. Cho luath ’s a thàinig an lockdown, le bancaichean-bìdh dùinte, chuir iad an oidhirpean a dh’ionnsaigh a bhith a’ cumail biadh ris an fheadhainn aig a bheil cruaidh fheum air.
[Iain] ’S e luchd saor-thoileach as motha a tha a’ cuideachadh, daoine air fòrladh no daoine le barrachd ùine mar mi fhèin.
[Iain] Sin ma-thà a’ chiad turas dhan a’ bhùth, dà uair a-staigh dhan a’ bhùth ach chan eil sinn faisg air a bhith deiseil fhathast.
[Iain] Tha diofar dhaoine tron t-seachdain ag ullachadh nam bogsaichean agus tha sgioba eile a bhios a’ dol gu na dorsan leatha gach latha.
[Iain] Covid ann no às, tha e doirbh smaoineachadh gur e seo ar saoghal. Pailteas aig cuid agus feadhainn eile air fhàgail acrach.
[Iain] Fiù ’s anns a’ char pàirc an-diugh, bha boireannach agus thàinig i gar faicinn agus dh’fhaighnich i dè bha sinn a’ dèanamh agus thug i dhuinn airgead airson a’ charthannas
[Iain]’S i ag ràdh tha ise air a bhith a-staigh dusan seachdain agus mura b’ e sin, bhiodh i air cuideachadh. Mar sin, seo dhuibh airgead airson a chur a dh’ionnsaigh biadh do dhaoine eile. Agus a dh’aindeoin cho duilich, cho doirbh ’s a tha e, agus cho eagallach ’s a tha e do dhaoine, gu bheil a leithid a’ tachairt, daoine a’ tighinn còmhla, daoine deònach, daoine a’ toirt na ‘s urrainn dhaibh, tha sin na mhisneachd, tha mi smaoineachadh.
This is not a normal trip to the shops
[John] Good morning. We’re on our way to the shops but it isn’t, quite, a normal trip to the shops.
[John] We’re going on behalf of a food bank, Humans MCR charity.
[John] Rachel, Lewey, what’s this?
[Lewey] This is our weekly shopping trip, to various supermarkets and wholesalers across Greater Manchester. With any luck we’ll be able to spend about two thousand pounds today but that will depend on the stock levels that we face in the supermarkets that we go to so wish us luck!
[John] They deliver about two or three tonnes of food each week, working diligently at each stage of the process.
[John] It’s Lewey and Rachel themselves that organised the charity and they should be praised for their dedication and compassion. As soon as lockdown came, with food banks closed, they put their efforts into attempting to keep food coming to those who have a real need for it.
[John] It’s mostly volunteers who are helping, people on furlough or people with more time like myself.
[John] That’s the first trip to the shop, twice into the shop but we’re not close to being finished yet.
[John] Different people through the week prepare the boxes and there’s another team that go to the doors each day.
[John] Covid there or not, it’s difficult to think that this is our world. Some have plenty and others are left hungry.
[John] Even in the car park today, there was a woman and she came to see us and she asked what we were doing and she gave us money for the charity.
[John] And she was saying that she has been inside for 12 weeks and if it wasn’t for that, she would have helped. So, here’s the money to put towards food for other people. And despite how sad, how difficult it is, and how scary it is for people, that things like that happen, people coming together, people keen, people giving what they can, that’s a reassurance I think.
Chan e turas àbhaisteach dha na bùithtean a tha seo
[Iain] Madainn mhath. Tha sinn air ar slighe dha na bùithtean an-diugh ach chan e, caran, turas àbhaisteach dha na bùithtean a th’ ann.
[Iain] Tha sinn a’ dol ann às leth banca-bìdh, carthannas Humans MCR.
[Iain] Rachel, Lewey, what’s this?
[Lewey] This is our weekly shopping trip, to various supermarkets and wholesalers across Greater Manchester. With any luck we’ll be able to spend about two thousand pounds today but that will depend on the stock levels that we face in the supermarkets that we go to so wish us luck!
[Iain] Bidh iad a’ sgaoileadh mu dhà no trì tunna de bhiadh gach seachdain, ag obair gu dìcheallach aig gach ìre dhen a’ phròiseas.
[Iain] ‘S e Lewey agus Rachel fhèin a chuir an carthannas air dòigh agus tha iad rim moladh airson an cuid saothair agus an co-fhaireachdainn. Cho luath ’s a thàinig an lockdown, le bancaichean-bìdh dùinte, chuir iad an oidhirpean a dh’ionnsaigh a bhith a’ cumail biadh ris an fheadhainn aig a bheil cruaidh fheum air.
[Iain] ’S e luchd saor-thoileach as motha a tha a’ cuideachadh, daoine air fòrladh no daoine le barrachd ùine mar mi fhèin.
[Iain] Sin ma-thà a’ chiad turas dhan a’ bhùth, dà uair a-staigh dhan a’ bhùth ach chan eil sinn faisg air a bhith deiseil fhathast.
[Iain] Tha diofar dhaoine tron t-seachdain ag ullachadh nam bogsaichean agus tha sgioba eile a bhios a’ dol gu na dorsan leatha gach latha.
[Iain] Covid ann no às, tha e doirbh smaoineachadh gur e seo ar saoghal. Pailteas aig cuid agus feadhainn eile air fhàgail acrach.
[Iain] Fiù ’s anns a’ char pàirc an-diugh, bha boireannach agus thàinig i gar faicinn agus dh’fhaighnich i dè bha sinn a’ dèanamh agus thug i dhuinn airgead airson a’ charthannas
[Iain]’S i ag ràdh tha ise air a bhith a-staigh dusan seachdain agus mura b’ e sin, bhiodh i air cuideachadh. Mar sin, seo dhuibh airgead airson a chur a dh’ionnsaigh biadh do dhaoine eile. Agus a dh’aindeoin cho duilich, cho doirbh ’s a tha e, agus cho eagallach ’s a tha e do dhaoine, gu bheil a leithid a’ tachairt, daoine a’ tighinn còmhla, daoine deònach, daoine a’ toirt na ‘s urrainn dhaibh, tha sin na mhisneachd, tha mi smaoineachadh.
This is not a normal trip to the shops
[John] Good morning. We’re on our way to the shops but it isn’t, quite, a normal trip to the shops.
[John] We’re going on behalf of a food bank, Humans MCR charity.
[John] Rachel, Lewey, what’s this?
[Lewey] This is our weekly shopping trip, to various supermarkets and wholesalers across Greater Manchester. With any luck we’ll be able to spend about two thousand pounds today but that will depend on the stock levels that we face in the supermarkets that we go to so wish us luck!
[John] They deliver about two or three tonnes of food each week, working diligently at each stage of the process.
[John] It’s Lewey and Rachel themselves that organised the charity and they should be praised for their dedication and compassion. As soon as lockdown came, with food banks closed, they put their efforts into attempting to keep food coming to those who have a real need for it.
[John] It’s mostly volunteers who are helping, people on furlough or people with more time like myself.
[John] That’s the first trip to the shop, twice into the shop but we’re not close to being finished yet.
[John] Different people through the week prepare the boxes and there’s another team that go to the doors each day.
[John] Covid there or not, it’s difficult to think that this is our world. Some have plenty and others are left hungry.
[John] Even in the car park today, there was a woman and she came to see us and she asked what we were doing and she gave us money for the charity.
[John] And she was saying that she has been inside for 12 weeks and if it wasn’t for that, she would have helped. So, here’s the money to put towards food for other people. And despite how sad, how difficult it is, and how scary it is for people, that things like that happen, people coming together, people keen, people giving what they can, that’s a reassurance I think.