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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Beatha ùr do phìos àirneis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Shona] Tha dà chòmhdachadh de pheant air a dhol air ’s tha e air tiormachadh gu math cuideachd agus tha mi dìreach deiseil a-nist airson nan lusan a chur a-staigh. Tha mi air tuill a chur ann am bonn gach drathair le drill dìreach airson ’s gu faigh uisge a-mach oir chan eil mi ag iarraidh gum bi caran cus uisge a’ cruinneachadh anns na drathairean. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum fàg mi ’s dòcha a’ chiad dhrathair no dhà airson innealan ’s rudan mar sin. Bidh sin gu math feumail agus cuiridh mi flùraichean anns na trì dhiubh seo. Ach ’s e na tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh ach bagaichean agus tha mi a’ dol a chur an ùir a-staigh anns na bagaichean a tha seo.

[Shona] Tha mi a’ dol a chur toll no dhà anns na bagannan cuideachd dìreach airson ’s gu faigh uisge a-mach.

[Shona] Glè mhath, tha mi a’ dol a dhèanamh an aon rud a-nist air an dà dhrathair eile a th’ agam fosgailte ann a sheo, cuiridh mi an clach a-staigh an toiseach.

[Shona] Tha mi a’ cur clach throm ann an cùl gach drathair gus nach tuit iad a-mach.

[Shona] Tha mi an uair sin a’ lìonadh nam pocan le ùir.

[Shona] Uill, tha mi deiseil a-nist airson nam flùraichean a chur a-staigh agus tha deagh roghainn de dhiofar dathan agam ann a sheo. ’S dòcha nach bi feum agam air a h-uile fear de sin ach chì mi dè seòrsa dòigh ’s a chuireas mi staigh iad. ’S dòcha gun tòiseachaidh mi aig a’ bhonn leis a’ bhuidhe, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh.

[Shona] Tha mi dìreach airson a bhith cinnteach gum faic sinn na flùraichean a’ tighinn a-mach às an drathair mar sin agus tha rùm ann airson ’s dòcha aon fhear eile.

[Shona] Nise dh’fhaodadh tu flùraichean no lusan sam bith a chur a-staigh. Bhiodh fiù ’s luibhean gu math snog ’s an uair sin tha iad agad airson a chleachdadh ’s a chidsin cuideachd.

[Shona] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil rùm aig a’ mhullach airson aon fhear eile. ’S fìor thoil leam an dath a th’ air an fhear seo. Fear bheag gorm no purpaidh. Shin agad e. Tha mi dìreach a’ dol a ghlanadh an ùir a-nist nuair nach eil mi ga iarraidh. Agus an rud mu dheireadh, dh’fhaodadh sibh flùraichean eile a chur air a’ mhullach, innealan a chur a-staigh ann an sin. Agus nach eil sin breagha? Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil co-dhiù. Tha mi gu math toilichte leis. Agus mar nach eil purpaidh a còrdadh riut, dath eile agus dh’fhaodadh sibh cuideachd pìos àirneis eile a chleachdadh ma tha seo ro mhòr no ma ’s e rud eile a th’ agaibh, dìreach dèan rudeigin a-mach às!



A new life for a piece of furniture

English Beurla

[Shona] Two coats of paint have gone on and it’s dried well too and I’m just ready now to put plants in. I’ve put holes in the bases of each drawer with a drill just so that water will get out because I don’t want there to be kind of too much water gathering in the drawers. I think I’ll leave maybe the first drawer or two for tools and things like that. That will be very useful and I’ll put flowers in these three. But what I’m going to use is bags and I’m going to put soil into these bags.

[Shona] I’m going to put a hole or two in the bags too just so that water will get out.

[Shona] Very good, I’m going to do the same thing now to the other two drawers I have open here, I’ll put the stone in first.

[Shona] I’m putting a heavy stone at the back of each drawer so that they don’t fall out.

[Shona] I’m then filling the sacks with soil.

[Shona] Well, I’m ready now to put the flowers in and I have a good choice of different colours here. Maybe I won’t need every one of those but I’ll see what type of way I’ll put them in. Maybe I’ll start at the bottom with yellow I think.

[Shona] I just want to be sure that we see the flowers coming out of the drawer like that and there’s room for maybe one more.

[Shona] Now you could put flowers or any plants in. Even herbs would be really nice and then you have them to use in the kitchen too.

[Shona] I think that there’s room at the top for one more. I really like the colour that’s on this one. A little blue or purple one. There you go. I’m just going to clean the soil off where I don’t want it. And the last thing, you could put other flowers at the top, tolls in there. And isn’t that pretty? I think it is anyway. I’m very happy with it. And if you don’t like purple, another colour and you could also use a different piece of furniture if this is too big or if you’ve got something else, just make something out of it!



Beatha ùr do phìos àirneis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Shona] Tha dà chòmhdachadh de pheant air a dhol air ’s tha e air tiormachadh gu math cuideachd agus tha mi dìreach deiseil a-nist airson nan lusan a chur a-staigh. Tha mi air tuill a chur ann am bonn gach drathair le drill dìreach airson ’s gu faigh uisge a-mach oir chan eil mi ag iarraidh gum bi caran cus uisge a’ cruinneachadh anns na drathairean. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum fàg mi ’s dòcha a’ chiad dhrathair no dhà airson innealan ’s rudan mar sin. Bidh sin gu math feumail agus cuiridh mi flùraichean anns na trì dhiubh seo. Ach ’s e na tha mi a’ dol a chleachdadh ach bagaichean agus tha mi a’ dol a chur an ùir a-staigh anns na bagaichean a tha seo.

[Shona] Tha mi a’ dol a chur toll no dhà anns na bagannan cuideachd dìreach airson ’s gu faigh uisge a-mach.

[Shona] Glè mhath, tha mi a’ dol a dhèanamh an aon rud a-nist air an dà dhrathair eile a th’ agam fosgailte ann a sheo, cuiridh mi an clach a-staigh an toiseach.

[Shona] Tha mi a’ cur clach throm ann an cùl gach drathair gus nach tuit iad a-mach.

[Shona] Tha mi an uair sin a’ lìonadh nam pocan le ùir.

[Shona] Uill, tha mi deiseil a-nist airson nam flùraichean a chur a-staigh agus tha deagh roghainn de dhiofar dathan agam ann a sheo. ’S dòcha nach bi feum agam air a h-uile fear de sin ach chì mi dè seòrsa dòigh ’s a chuireas mi staigh iad. ’S dòcha gun tòiseachaidh mi aig a’ bhonn leis a’ bhuidhe, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh.

[Shona] Tha mi dìreach airson a bhith cinnteach gum faic sinn na flùraichean a’ tighinn a-mach às an drathair mar sin agus tha rùm ann airson ’s dòcha aon fhear eile.

[Shona] Nise dh’fhaodadh tu flùraichean no lusan sam bith a chur a-staigh. Bhiodh fiù ’s luibhean gu math snog ’s an uair sin tha iad agad airson a chleachdadh ’s a chidsin cuideachd.

[Shona] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil rùm aig a’ mhullach airson aon fhear eile. ’S fìor thoil leam an dath a th’ air an fhear seo. Fear bheag gorm no purpaidh. Shin agad e. Tha mi dìreach a’ dol a ghlanadh an ùir a-nist nuair nach eil mi ga iarraidh. Agus an rud mu dheireadh, dh’fhaodadh sibh flùraichean eile a chur air a’ mhullach, innealan a chur a-staigh ann an sin. Agus nach eil sin breagha? Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil co-dhiù. Tha mi gu math toilichte leis. Agus mar nach eil purpaidh a còrdadh riut, dath eile agus dh’fhaodadh sibh cuideachd pìos àirneis eile a chleachdadh ma tha seo ro mhòr no ma ’s e rud eile a th’ agaibh, dìreach dèan rudeigin a-mach às!



A new life for a piece of furniture

English Beurla

[Shona] Two coats of paint have gone on and it’s dried well too and I’m just ready now to put plants in. I’ve put holes in the bases of each drawer with a drill just so that water will get out because I don’t want there to be kind of too much water gathering in the drawers. I think I’ll leave maybe the first drawer or two for tools and things like that. That will be very useful and I’ll put flowers in these three. But what I’m going to use is bags and I’m going to put soil into these bags.

[Shona] I’m going to put a hole or two in the bags too just so that water will get out.

[Shona] Very good, I’m going to do the same thing now to the other two drawers I have open here, I’ll put the stone in first.

[Shona] I’m putting a heavy stone at the back of each drawer so that they don’t fall out.

[Shona] I’m then filling the sacks with soil.

[Shona] Well, I’m ready now to put the flowers in and I have a good choice of different colours here. Maybe I won’t need every one of those but I’ll see what type of way I’ll put them in. Maybe I’ll start at the bottom with yellow I think.

[Shona] I just want to be sure that we see the flowers coming out of the drawer like that and there’s room for maybe one more.

[Shona] Now you could put flowers or any plants in. Even herbs would be really nice and then you have them to use in the kitchen too.

[Shona] I think that there’s room at the top for one more. I really like the colour that’s on this one. A little blue or purple one. There you go. I’m just going to clean the soil off where I don’t want it. And the last thing, you could put other flowers at the top, tolls in there. And isn’t that pretty? I think it is anyway. I’m very happy with it. And if you don’t like purple, another colour and you could also use a different piece of furniture if this is too big or if you’ve got something else, just make something out of it!








a stone





