FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Am Fudge aig Catriona Rothach le Teòclaid Gheal agus Liquer Èireannach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Griogar] Tha madainn eireachdail againn san Eilean Sgitheanach, ach le sneachd. Tha mise dìreach a’ feitheamh ri blas de rudeigin milis a bhiodh math a thoirt seachad mar phreasant aig àm sam bith dhen a’ bhliadhna.

[Catriona] Tha còig ceud gram siùcar ruadh, agus còig ceud milleliotair uachdar agam ann a sheo. Leth-cheud ’s a còig millilitres Bailey’s agam ann a shin. Chan e gu bheil e cho luath ach tha e soirbh gu leòr. Tha a h-uile càil as a’ phana.

[Catriona] An toiseach, tha mi dìreach a’ leigeil leis leaghadh gu socair.

[Catriona] Tha sinn air an t-siùcar a leaghadh a-niste agus tha a h-uile càil air tighinn còmhla gu snog. Tha mi air an teas a chur suas. The sinn dìreach a’ feitheamh ris a-nise gun tig e gu goil gu math.

[Catriona] Cuiridh mi sìos rud beag e agus leigidh sinn leis dìreach...

[Gregor] Goil slaodach…

[Catriona] ... goil slaodach air a shocair fhèin. Cumaidh sinn ar sùil air agus bidh mi dìreach...

[Gregor] Dè cho fada ’s a...

[Catriona] Cairteal na h-uarach, fichead mionaid, dh’fhaodte?

[Catriona] Chì thu e air atharrachadh, tha e, uil, tha coltas nas tighe air. Airson gum bi fios a’m gu bheil a’ fudge deiseil, bidh mi a’ cleachdadh uisge fuar agus a’ cur spàin tì i... dhen fudge ann agus ma tha e cruthachadh ball as an uisge bidh fios a’m gu bheil e... gu beil e an ìre...

[Griogar] Mmm, seall air an sin a-nis.

[Catriona] Seall siud a-niste.

[Catriona] Tha ceud gu leth gram gu leth chocolate againn. Math dha-rìribh.

[Griogar] Tha an chocolate gu lèir air leaghadh a-steach ann a shin.

[Catriona] Saoilidh mi gu bheil.

[Catriona] Glè mhath. Nì siud a’ chùis.

[Griogar] Seo a-nis

[Catriona] Is tha beagan ann a shin airson cuideigin beag eile.

[Griogar] Sin e.

[Catriona] Bidh mi dìreach ga fhàgail a-muigh gus am fàs e cruaidh. ’S dòcha an uair sin gun cum mi as a frids e.

[Griogar] Yeah.

[Griogar] So, dè cho fada ’s a bhios e ga fhàgail gus an... deisealaich e.

[Catriona] Bidh mi ga fhàgail gus am bi e fuar, agus... uair a thìde no dhà. Uaireannan bidh mi ga fhàgail...

[Griogar] Tron oidhche.

[Catriona] Tron oidhche. Bithidh.

[Griogar] Tha sin cho... cho àlainn. Is am Bailey’s is an chocolate geal ag obrachadh còmhla.

[Catriona] Tha iad a’ dol math còmhla. Tha thu...

[Griogar] Agus dh’ithinn cus dhen a seo.

[Catriona] Uill bha mi dìreach a’ dol a ràdh cha dèan math dhut!



Catherine Munro’s Irish Liqueur and White Chocolate Fudge

English Beurla

[Gregor] It’s a beautiful morning on the Isle of Skye, but with snow. I’m just waiting for a taste of something sweet that’d be good to give as a present at any time of the year.

[Catherine] I’ve got five hundred grams of brown sugar and five hundred millilitres of cream here. I’ve got fifty-five millilitres of Bailey’s there. It’s not so quick but that it’s easy enough. Everything’s in the pan.

[Catherine] First, I’m just going to let it melt gently.

[Catherine] We’ve melted the sugar now and everything’s coming together nicely. I’ve put the heat up. We’re just waiting on it coming to a good boil.

[Catherine] I’ll turn it down a little bit and we’ll just let it…

[Gregor] Boil slowly.

[Catherine] …boil slowly in its own time. We’ll keep an eye on it and I’ll just be…

[Gregor] How long…

[Catherine] Just a quarter of an hour, twenty minutes, perhaps?

[Catherine] You’ll see it has changed, it’s, well, it looks a bit thicker. So that I know when the fudge is ready, I’ll be using cold water and putting a teaspoon of the fudge in it and if it makes a ball in the water I’ll know that… that it’s just about…

[Gregor] Mmm, look at that now.

[Catherine] Look at that now.

[Catherine] We’ve got one hundred and fifty grams of chocolate. Excellent.

[Gregor] The chocolate’s completely melted into that.

[Catherine] I reckon it has.

[Catherine] Very good. That’ll do.

[Gregor] Here we go.

[Catherine] And there’s a little there for someone else small.

[Gregor] That’s it.

[Catherine] I’ll just leave it out until it becomes hard. Maybe I’ll keep it in the fridge then.

[Gregor] Yeah.

[Gregor] So, how long do you leave it until… it’ll finish.

[Catherine] I’ll leave it until it’s cold, and… an hour or two. Sometimes I’ll leave it…

[Gregor] Through the night.

[Catherine] Through the night. Yes.

[Gregor] That is... so lovely. And the Bailey’s and the white chocolate working together.

[Catherine] They go together well. You…

[Gregor] And I’d eat too much of this.

[Catherine] Well I was just going to say it isn’t good for you!



Am Fudge aig Catriona Rothach le Teòclaid Gheal agus Liquer Èireannach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Griogar] Tha madainn eireachdail againn san Eilean Sgitheanach, ach le sneachd. Tha mise dìreach a’ feitheamh ri blas de rudeigin milis a bhiodh math a thoirt seachad mar phreasant aig àm sam bith dhen a’ bhliadhna.

[Catriona] Tha còig ceud gram siùcar ruadh, agus còig ceud milleliotair uachdar agam ann a sheo. Leth-cheud ’s a còig millilitres Bailey’s agam ann a shin. Chan e gu bheil e cho luath ach tha e soirbh gu leòr. Tha a h-uile càil as a’ phana.

[Catriona] An toiseach, tha mi dìreach a’ leigeil leis leaghadh gu socair.

[Catriona] Tha sinn air an t-siùcar a leaghadh a-niste agus tha a h-uile càil air tighinn còmhla gu snog. Tha mi air an teas a chur suas. The sinn dìreach a’ feitheamh ris a-nise gun tig e gu goil gu math.

[Catriona] Cuiridh mi sìos rud beag e agus leigidh sinn leis dìreach...

[Gregor] Goil slaodach…

[Catriona] ... goil slaodach air a shocair fhèin. Cumaidh sinn ar sùil air agus bidh mi dìreach...

[Gregor] Dè cho fada ’s a...

[Catriona] Cairteal na h-uarach, fichead mionaid, dh’fhaodte?

[Catriona] Chì thu e air atharrachadh, tha e, uil, tha coltas nas tighe air. Airson gum bi fios a’m gu bheil a’ fudge deiseil, bidh mi a’ cleachdadh uisge fuar agus a’ cur spàin tì i... dhen fudge ann agus ma tha e cruthachadh ball as an uisge bidh fios a’m gu bheil e... gu beil e an ìre...

[Griogar] Mmm, seall air an sin a-nis.

[Catriona] Seall siud a-niste.

[Catriona] Tha ceud gu leth gram gu leth chocolate againn. Math dha-rìribh.

[Griogar] Tha an chocolate gu lèir air leaghadh a-steach ann a shin.

[Catriona] Saoilidh mi gu bheil.

[Catriona] Glè mhath. Nì siud a’ chùis.

[Griogar] Seo a-nis

[Catriona] Is tha beagan ann a shin airson cuideigin beag eile.

[Griogar] Sin e.

[Catriona] Bidh mi dìreach ga fhàgail a-muigh gus am fàs e cruaidh. ’S dòcha an uair sin gun cum mi as a frids e.

[Griogar] Yeah.

[Griogar] So, dè cho fada ’s a bhios e ga fhàgail gus an... deisealaich e.

[Catriona] Bidh mi ga fhàgail gus am bi e fuar, agus... uair a thìde no dhà. Uaireannan bidh mi ga fhàgail...

[Griogar] Tron oidhche.

[Catriona] Tron oidhche. Bithidh.

[Griogar] Tha sin cho... cho àlainn. Is am Bailey’s is an chocolate geal ag obrachadh còmhla.

[Catriona] Tha iad a’ dol math còmhla. Tha thu...

[Griogar] Agus dh’ithinn cus dhen a seo.

[Catriona] Uill bha mi dìreach a’ dol a ràdh cha dèan math dhut!



Catherine Munro’s Irish Liqueur and White Chocolate Fudge

English Beurla

[Gregor] It’s a beautiful morning on the Isle of Skye, but with snow. I’m just waiting for a taste of something sweet that’d be good to give as a present at any time of the year.

[Catherine] I’ve got five hundred grams of brown sugar and five hundred millilitres of cream here. I’ve got fifty-five millilitres of Bailey’s there. It’s not so quick but that it’s easy enough. Everything’s in the pan.

[Catherine] First, I’m just going to let it melt gently.

[Catherine] We’ve melted the sugar now and everything’s coming together nicely. I’ve put the heat up. We’re just waiting on it coming to a good boil.

[Catherine] I’ll turn it down a little bit and we’ll just let it…

[Gregor] Boil slowly.

[Catherine] …boil slowly in its own time. We’ll keep an eye on it and I’ll just be…

[Gregor] How long…

[Catherine] Just a quarter of an hour, twenty minutes, perhaps?

[Catherine] You’ll see it has changed, it’s, well, it looks a bit thicker. So that I know when the fudge is ready, I’ll be using cold water and putting a teaspoon of the fudge in it and if it makes a ball in the water I’ll know that… that it’s just about…

[Gregor] Mmm, look at that now.

[Catherine] Look at that now.

[Catherine] We’ve got one hundred and fifty grams of chocolate. Excellent.

[Gregor] The chocolate’s completely melted into that.

[Catherine] I reckon it has.

[Catherine] Very good. That’ll do.

[Gregor] Here we go.

[Catherine] And there’s a little there for someone else small.

[Gregor] That’s it.

[Catherine] I’ll just leave it out until it becomes hard. Maybe I’ll keep it in the fridge then.

[Gregor] Yeah.

[Gregor] So, how long do you leave it until… it’ll finish.

[Catherine] I’ll leave it until it’s cold, and… an hour or two. Sometimes I’ll leave it…

[Gregor] Through the night.

[Catherine] Through the night. Yes.

[Gregor] That is... so lovely. And the Bailey’s and the white chocolate working together.

[Catherine] They go together well. You…

[Gregor] And I’d eat too much of this.

[Catherine] Well I was just going to say it isn’t good for you!





This is commonly used in the Skye dialects.

a’ leigeil leis

letting it be



cairteal na h-uarach

a quarter of an hour

ma dh’fhaodte
