Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
An Duf aig Ceit Anna
[Griogair] Cha tàinig mi fad sam bith on dachaigh a thadhal air Ceit Anna. Tha ise air dearbhadh gun e an cleachdadh a nì teòma.
[Griogair] 'S e reasabaidh a tha seo a bha mise ag iarraidh airson bliadhnaichean agus bliadhnaichean agus cò as fheàrr sealltainn dhomh ciamar a tha mi ga dhèanamh ach sibh fhèin. Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh dhomh?
[Ceit Anna] Tha clootie dumpling. 'S e duf a bhios againn ann.
[Griogair] ’S e duff. Dè tha sinn a’ cur dhan a’ bhobhla an toiseach?
[Ceit Anna] Tha sinn a’ cur a’ flùr dhan bhobhla an toiseach, agus an ìm.
[Griogair] Agus an ìm. Dè na flùr a chuireas sinn ann?
[Ceit Anna] Punnd gu leth.
[Griogair] Glè mhath, agus tha sin fèir a’ dol dhan a’ bhobhla.
[Ceit Anna] Tha.
[Griogair] Agus an e self-raising a tha thu a’ cleachdadh?
[Ceit Anna] 'S e, ò ’s e. Chan eil thu ag use-agadh uair sam bith ach an self-raising.
[Griogair] Is dè thuirt thu, sia unnsaichean?
[Ceit Anna] Sia unnsaichean.
[Griogair] Sia unnsaichean ìm a’ dol a-steach ann. Agus dè tha mi a’ dèanamh an uair sin?
[Ceit Anna] Tha thu ga mix-igeadh gus an tèid e man aran-briste. Ò ’s e na corragan as fheàrr a nì e.
[Griogair] Ò ’s e, nach e?
[Ceit Anna] 'S e.
[Griogair] A bheil mi a’ dèanamh job math dhen a seo?
[Ceit Anna] Ò tha. Tha thu a’ dèanamh job math dha-rìribh. Copan siùcair donn is copan siùcair geal.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. Agus còmhla ris an t-siùcar ’s a flùr, dè tha a’ dol a-steach ann?
[Ceit Anna] Spàin le chan eil cruach oirre idir ach le criomag tartar, agus spàin le cruach oir’ dhen a’ soda.
[Griogair] Dhen a soda cuideachd. ’S e spàin-tì a chleachd Ceit Anna airson seo a thomhas.
[Ceit Anna] Dìreach craiteachan a chur ann.
[Griogair] Fèir craiteachan salainn.
[Ceit Anna] Dìreach craiteachan.
[Griogair] Seo a-nis cuiridh mi dhan … A bheil sin gu leòr?
[Ceit Anna] Tha sin gu leòr, chan eil thu ag iarraidh tòrr.
[Griogair] Dè th’ agad anns an tuba tha seo?
[Ceit Anna] Tha currants agus raisins agus…
[Griogair] Sultanas, an e?
[Ceit Anna] Sultanas that’s right trì, tha trì seòrsachan ann.
[Griogair] Agus dè na th’ ann?
[Ceit Anna] Och ’s e copan dè gach seòrsa tha mi a’ smaoineachadh.
[Griogair] Copan de gach seòrsa, glè mhath. Tha Ceit Anna a’ cumail sùil gheur orm agus mi a’ cur làn spàin mhòr caineil dhan bhobhla. Tè eile de spìosradh measgaicht’ agus leth spàin mhòr dinnseir.
[Ceit Anna] Tha uighean, tha trì uighean ann a shiud.
[Griogair] Trì uighean a’ dol a-steach ann.
[Ceit Anna] Tha.
[Griogair] So, tha mi fèir a’ dol a… Nì sinn na h-uighean còmhla. Nise, dè tha a’ dol ann còmhla ri na h-uighean?
[Ceit Anna] Tha siorap is trèicil, làn na spàine mmòire de gach rud.
[Griogair] Làn spàin mhòr de gach rud. Seo a-nis.
[Ceit Anna] Agus faodaidh tu, dhen an trèicil, làn spàin mhòr agus leth fear. ’S caomh leam fhìn tòrr trèicil ann, tha e math.
[Griogair] Leis an stuth fhliuch, tha mi a’ cur gann leth-phinnt bainne is leanaidh mi orm ga chur mun cuairt. Nì mi lag anns na stuthan tioram is dòrtaidh mi ann e. Agus am bi thu a’ dèanamh an reasabaidh a tha seo tric?
[Ceit Anna] Uill tha mi ga dhèanamh, uill, dà thrup anns a’ bhliadhna, bidh sin gu leòr dhomh.
[Griogair] Agus bidh thu ga dhèanamh airson na shows, nach eil mi air cluinntinn?
[Ceit Anna] Bidh mi ga dhèanamh airson an show, ach tha e…
[Griogair] First prizes bha mi a’ cluinntinn cuideachd!
[Ceit Anna] Dè?
[Griogair] First prizes bha mi a’ cluinntinn cuideachd.
[Ceit Anna] Bha, bha, ò fhuair mi còig first prizes.
[Griogair] An uair ’s gu bheil a h-uile càil na dheagh-mheasgachadh fhliuch, tha sinn ga chur dhan dàrna taobh agus faighinn clobhd a chaidh a dheagh-sgoladh ann am bùrn teth. Agus dè tha thu dèanamh a-nis?
[Ceit Anna] Tha cur flùr fodha gus nach fuirich an craiceann oirr', man a cur thu flùr cha bhi craiceann oirr’.
[Griogair] Agus carson a tha thu cleachdadh bobhla?
[Ceit Anna] Airson, tha againn cumadh, tha shape.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. Nise, bheiridh mis’ a-null am mix.
[Ceit Anna] Beir air a’ cheann ud.
[Griogair] A bheil sibh ag iarraidh…
[Ceit Anna] Bidh cinnteach às nach fhàg tu toll fosgailte.
[Griogair] Tha sin a’ coimhead glè mhath.
[Ceit Anna] Tha, feumaidh thu a dhèanamh cho tight ’s a ghabhas.
[Griogair] Cho tight ’s a ghabhas, glè mhath, uill, tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil sin agam tight a-nis, a bheil?
[Ceit Anna] Greim agad air tight, cho fada shìos ’s a ghabhas.
[Griogair] Agus tha thu fèir a’ cleachdadh sreang a bheil?
[Ceit Anna] Tha mi a’ cleachdadh sreang, tha.
[Griogair] Tha an duf a’ bruich fad beagan ’s trì uairean a thìde le truinnsear foidhpe ann am pana bùirn goileach. Nach math nach leig mi leas feitheamh cho fada sin – tha duf eile deiseil. Thàinig e às a' phana agus shuidh e leth-uair a’ fuarachadh gus am bi deagh chraiceann air. Nis airson a ghearradh. Uill nach eil sin a' coimhead math.
[Ceit Anna] Tha i a’ coimhead math.
[Griogair] An geàrr mise e?
[Ceit Anna] Geàrr thusa e.
[Griogair] Bheil sinn a’ gabhail pìos dheth?
[Ceit Anna] Dh’ith e! Ò tha, tha e tasty. Chan eil i cruaidh idir. Cha sheas i mionaid an seo.
[Griogair] Fèir ceart tha mise smaoineachadh. Tapadh leibhse!
[Ceit Anna] ‘S e ur beatha.
Katie Anne’s Clootie Dumpling
[Gregor] I didn’t come far at all from home visiting Katie Anne. She has proved that it’s practice that makes perfect.
[Gregor] This is a recipe that I’ve wanted for years and years and who better to show me how to make it but yourself. What are you making for me?
[Katie Anne] Cloutie dumpling. We call it a ‘duf’.
[Gregor] What are we putting into the bowl first.
[Katie Anne] We’re putting the flour in this bowl and the butter.
[Gregor] And the butter, how much flour are we putting in?
[Katie Anne] A pound and a half.
[Gregor] Very good, that just goes in the bowl.
[Katie Anne] Yes.
[Gregor] And is it self-raising you’re using?
[Katie Anne] It is, oh it is. I never use anything ever but self-raising.
[Gregor] And what did you say, six ounces?
[Katie Anne] Six ounces.
[Gregor] Six ounces of butter going into it. And what am I doing next?
[Katie Anne] You mix it until it becomes like breadcrumbs. Oh fingers are the best for doing it.
[Gregor] Oh yes, aren’t they?
[Katie Anne] Yes.
[Gregor Am I doing a good job of this?
[Katie Anne] Oh yes, you’re doing a really good job. A cup of brown sugar and a cup of white sugar.
[Gregor] Very good. And with the sugar and the flour, what goes in it?
[Katie Anne] A spoon not heaped at all but just with a bit tartar, and a heaped spoon of the soda.
[Gregor] Of the soda too. Katie Anne used a teaspoon to measure this.
[Katie Anne] Just put a sprinkle in it.
[Gregor] Just a sprinkle of salt.
[Katie Anne] Just a sprinkle...
[Gregor] Here we are I’ll put it in the… Is that alright?
[Katie Anne] That’s enough, you don’t want a lot.
[Gregor] What do you have in this tub?
[Katie Anne] I have currants and raisins and…
[Gregor] Sultanas is it?
[Katie Anne] Sultanas that’s right three, three types in there.
[Gregor] And how many are in there?
[Katie Anne] Och a cup of each type I think.
[Gregor] A cup of each type, very good. Katie Anne is keeping a sharp eye on me while I put a whole large spoon of cinnamon in the bowl. Another one of mixed spice and half a large spoon of ginger.
[Katie Anne] There’s eggs, three eggs there.
[Gregor] Three eggs going in.
[Katie Anne] Yes.
[Gregor] So, I’m just going to… We’ll do the eggs together. Now what goes with the eggs?
[Katie Anne] Syrup and treacle, a large spoon of each.
[Gregor] A whole large spoon of each. Right then.
[Katie Anne] And you can, of the treacle, a large spoonful and a half. I like it with lots of treacle myself, it’s good.
[Gregor] With the wet mixture, I’m only putting a half-pint of milk and I’ll keep going putting it around. I’ll make a hollow in the dry mixture and I’ll pour it in. And do you make this recipe often?
[Katie Anne] Well I make it well twice in the year, that’s enough for me.
[Gregor] And you make it for the shows haven’t I heard?
[Katie Anne] I make it for the show but it is…
[Gregor] First prize I’ve heard too!
[Katie Anne] What?
[Gregor] First prize I’ve heard too.
[Katie Anne] Yes, yes, oh I got five first prizes.
[Gregor] Once everything is well mixed and wet, we put it to the side and get a cloth that’s been well rinsed in hot water. And what are you doing now?
[Katie Anne] I’m putting flour under it so that the skin doesn’t stick on the cloth if you don’t put flour there won’t be skin on the dumpling.
[Gregor] And why are you using a bowl?
[Katie Anne] Because we have a shape, it’s a shape.
[Gregor] Very good. Now, I’ll bring over the mix.
[Katie Anne] You grab that end.
[Gregor] Do you want…
[Katie Anne] Be sure and don’t leave an open hole.
[Gregor] That looks very good.
[Katie Anne] It does, you need to make it as tight as possible.
[Gregor] As tight as possible, very good well I think that I have that tight now, do I?
[Katie Anne] You have a tight grip on it, as far down as possible.
[Gregor] And you’re just using string are you?
[Katie Anne] I’m using string.
[Gregor] The duf is boiling for all of a little more than three hours with a dish under it in a pan of boiling water. Isn’t it good that I don’t have to wait as long as that – there’s another duf ready. It came out of the pan and it sat chilling for half an hour until there was a skin on it. Now to cut it. Well doesn’t that look good.
[Katie Anne] It looks good.
[Gregor] Will I cut it?
[Katie Anne] You cut it.
[Gregor] Are we going to have a piece of it.
[Katie Anne] Eat it! Oh yes, it is tasty. It isn’t hard at all. It won’t last a minute here.
[Gregor] Just right I think. Thank you!
[Katie Anne] You’re welcome.
An Duf aig Ceit Anna
[Griogair] Cha tàinig mi fad sam bith on dachaigh a thadhal air Ceit Anna. Tha ise air dearbhadh gun e an cleachdadh a nì teòma.
[Griogair] 'S e reasabaidh a tha seo a bha mise ag iarraidh airson bliadhnaichean agus bliadhnaichean agus cò as fheàrr sealltainn dhomh ciamar a tha mi ga dhèanamh ach sibh fhèin. Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh dhomh?
[Ceit Anna] Tha clootie dumpling. 'S e duf a bhios againn ann.
[Griogair] ’S e duff. Dè tha sinn a’ cur dhan a’ bhobhla an toiseach?
[Ceit Anna] Tha sinn a’ cur a’ flùr dhan bhobhla an toiseach, agus an ìm.
[Griogair] Agus an ìm. Dè na flùr a chuireas sinn ann?
[Ceit Anna] Punnd gu leth.
[Griogair] Glè mhath, agus tha sin fèir a’ dol dhan a’ bhobhla.
[Ceit Anna] Tha.
[Griogair] Agus an e self-raising a tha thu a’ cleachdadh?
[Ceit Anna] 'S e, ò ’s e. Chan eil thu ag use-agadh uair sam bith ach an self-raising.
[Griogair] Is dè thuirt thu, sia unnsaichean?
[Ceit Anna] Sia unnsaichean.
[Griogair] Sia unnsaichean ìm a’ dol a-steach ann. Agus dè tha mi a’ dèanamh an uair sin?
[Ceit Anna] Tha thu ga mix-igeadh gus an tèid e man aran-briste. Ò ’s e na corragan as fheàrr a nì e.
[Griogair] Ò ’s e, nach e?
[Ceit Anna] 'S e.
[Griogair] A bheil mi a’ dèanamh job math dhen a seo?
[Ceit Anna] Ò tha. Tha thu a’ dèanamh job math dha-rìribh. Copan siùcair donn is copan siùcair geal.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. Agus còmhla ris an t-siùcar ’s a flùr, dè tha a’ dol a-steach ann?
[Ceit Anna] Spàin le chan eil cruach oirre idir ach le criomag tartar, agus spàin le cruach oir’ dhen a’ soda.
[Griogair] Dhen a soda cuideachd. ’S e spàin-tì a chleachd Ceit Anna airson seo a thomhas.
[Ceit Anna] Dìreach craiteachan a chur ann.
[Griogair] Fèir craiteachan salainn.
[Ceit Anna] Dìreach craiteachan.
[Griogair] Seo a-nis cuiridh mi dhan … A bheil sin gu leòr?
[Ceit Anna] Tha sin gu leòr, chan eil thu ag iarraidh tòrr.
[Griogair] Dè th’ agad anns an tuba tha seo?
[Ceit Anna] Tha currants agus raisins agus…
[Griogair] Sultanas, an e?
[Ceit Anna] Sultanas that’s right trì, tha trì seòrsachan ann.
[Griogair] Agus dè na th’ ann?
[Ceit Anna] Och ’s e copan dè gach seòrsa tha mi a’ smaoineachadh.
[Griogair] Copan de gach seòrsa, glè mhath. Tha Ceit Anna a’ cumail sùil gheur orm agus mi a’ cur làn spàin mhòr caineil dhan bhobhla. Tè eile de spìosradh measgaicht’ agus leth spàin mhòr dinnseir.
[Ceit Anna] Tha uighean, tha trì uighean ann a shiud.
[Griogair] Trì uighean a’ dol a-steach ann.
[Ceit Anna] Tha.
[Griogair] So, tha mi fèir a’ dol a… Nì sinn na h-uighean còmhla. Nise, dè tha a’ dol ann còmhla ri na h-uighean?
[Ceit Anna] Tha siorap is trèicil, làn na spàine mmòire de gach rud.
[Griogair] Làn spàin mhòr de gach rud. Seo a-nis.
[Ceit Anna] Agus faodaidh tu, dhen an trèicil, làn spàin mhòr agus leth fear. ’S caomh leam fhìn tòrr trèicil ann, tha e math.
[Griogair] Leis an stuth fhliuch, tha mi a’ cur gann leth-phinnt bainne is leanaidh mi orm ga chur mun cuairt. Nì mi lag anns na stuthan tioram is dòrtaidh mi ann e. Agus am bi thu a’ dèanamh an reasabaidh a tha seo tric?
[Ceit Anna] Uill tha mi ga dhèanamh, uill, dà thrup anns a’ bhliadhna, bidh sin gu leòr dhomh.
[Griogair] Agus bidh thu ga dhèanamh airson na shows, nach eil mi air cluinntinn?
[Ceit Anna] Bidh mi ga dhèanamh airson an show, ach tha e…
[Griogair] First prizes bha mi a’ cluinntinn cuideachd!
[Ceit Anna] Dè?
[Griogair] First prizes bha mi a’ cluinntinn cuideachd.
[Ceit Anna] Bha, bha, ò fhuair mi còig first prizes.
[Griogair] An uair ’s gu bheil a h-uile càil na dheagh-mheasgachadh fhliuch, tha sinn ga chur dhan dàrna taobh agus faighinn clobhd a chaidh a dheagh-sgoladh ann am bùrn teth. Agus dè tha thu dèanamh a-nis?
[Ceit Anna] Tha cur flùr fodha gus nach fuirich an craiceann oirr', man a cur thu flùr cha bhi craiceann oirr’.
[Griogair] Agus carson a tha thu cleachdadh bobhla?
[Ceit Anna] Airson, tha againn cumadh, tha shape.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. Nise, bheiridh mis’ a-null am mix.
[Ceit Anna] Beir air a’ cheann ud.
[Griogair] A bheil sibh ag iarraidh…
[Ceit Anna] Bidh cinnteach às nach fhàg tu toll fosgailte.
[Griogair] Tha sin a’ coimhead glè mhath.
[Ceit Anna] Tha, feumaidh thu a dhèanamh cho tight ’s a ghabhas.
[Griogair] Cho tight ’s a ghabhas, glè mhath, uill, tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil sin agam tight a-nis, a bheil?
[Ceit Anna] Greim agad air tight, cho fada shìos ’s a ghabhas.
[Griogair] Agus tha thu fèir a’ cleachdadh sreang a bheil?
[Ceit Anna] Tha mi a’ cleachdadh sreang, tha.
[Griogair] Tha an duf a’ bruich fad beagan ’s trì uairean a thìde le truinnsear foidhpe ann am pana bùirn goileach. Nach math nach leig mi leas feitheamh cho fada sin – tha duf eile deiseil. Thàinig e às a' phana agus shuidh e leth-uair a’ fuarachadh gus am bi deagh chraiceann air. Nis airson a ghearradh. Uill nach eil sin a' coimhead math.
[Ceit Anna] Tha i a’ coimhead math.
[Griogair] An geàrr mise e?
[Ceit Anna] Geàrr thusa e.
[Griogair] Bheil sinn a’ gabhail pìos dheth?
[Ceit Anna] Dh’ith e! Ò tha, tha e tasty. Chan eil i cruaidh idir. Cha sheas i mionaid an seo.
[Griogair] Fèir ceart tha mise smaoineachadh. Tapadh leibhse!
[Ceit Anna] ‘S e ur beatha.
Katie Anne’s Clootie Dumpling
[Gregor] I didn’t come far at all from home visiting Katie Anne. She has proved that it’s practice that makes perfect.
[Gregor] This is a recipe that I’ve wanted for years and years and who better to show me how to make it but yourself. What are you making for me?
[Katie Anne] Cloutie dumpling. We call it a ‘duf’.
[Gregor] What are we putting into the bowl first.
[Katie Anne] We’re putting the flour in this bowl and the butter.
[Gregor] And the butter, how much flour are we putting in?
[Katie Anne] A pound and a half.
[Gregor] Very good, that just goes in the bowl.
[Katie Anne] Yes.
[Gregor] And is it self-raising you’re using?
[Katie Anne] It is, oh it is. I never use anything ever but self-raising.
[Gregor] And what did you say, six ounces?
[Katie Anne] Six ounces.
[Gregor] Six ounces of butter going into it. And what am I doing next?
[Katie Anne] You mix it until it becomes like breadcrumbs. Oh fingers are the best for doing it.
[Gregor] Oh yes, aren’t they?
[Katie Anne] Yes.
[Gregor Am I doing a good job of this?
[Katie Anne] Oh yes, you’re doing a really good job. A cup of brown sugar and a cup of white sugar.
[Gregor] Very good. And with the sugar and the flour, what goes in it?
[Katie Anne] A spoon not heaped at all but just with a bit tartar, and a heaped spoon of the soda.
[Gregor] Of the soda too. Katie Anne used a teaspoon to measure this.
[Katie Anne] Just put a sprinkle in it.
[Gregor] Just a sprinkle of salt.
[Katie Anne] Just a sprinkle...
[Gregor] Here we are I’ll put it in the… Is that alright?
[Katie Anne] That’s enough, you don’t want a lot.
[Gregor] What do you have in this tub?
[Katie Anne] I have currants and raisins and…
[Gregor] Sultanas is it?
[Katie Anne] Sultanas that’s right three, three types in there.
[Gregor] And how many are in there?
[Katie Anne] Och a cup of each type I think.
[Gregor] A cup of each type, very good. Katie Anne is keeping a sharp eye on me while I put a whole large spoon of cinnamon in the bowl. Another one of mixed spice and half a large spoon of ginger.
[Katie Anne] There’s eggs, three eggs there.
[Gregor] Three eggs going in.
[Katie Anne] Yes.
[Gregor] So, I’m just going to… We’ll do the eggs together. Now what goes with the eggs?
[Katie Anne] Syrup and treacle, a large spoon of each.
[Gregor] A whole large spoon of each. Right then.
[Katie Anne] And you can, of the treacle, a large spoonful and a half. I like it with lots of treacle myself, it’s good.
[Gregor] With the wet mixture, I’m only putting a half-pint of milk and I’ll keep going putting it around. I’ll make a hollow in the dry mixture and I’ll pour it in. And do you make this recipe often?
[Katie Anne] Well I make it well twice in the year, that’s enough for me.
[Gregor] And you make it for the shows haven’t I heard?
[Katie Anne] I make it for the show but it is…
[Gregor] First prize I’ve heard too!
[Katie Anne] What?
[Gregor] First prize I’ve heard too.
[Katie Anne] Yes, yes, oh I got five first prizes.
[Gregor] Once everything is well mixed and wet, we put it to the side and get a cloth that’s been well rinsed in hot water. And what are you doing now?
[Katie Anne] I’m putting flour under it so that the skin doesn’t stick on the cloth if you don’t put flour there won’t be skin on the dumpling.
[Gregor] And why are you using a bowl?
[Katie Anne] Because we have a shape, it’s a shape.
[Gregor] Very good. Now, I’ll bring over the mix.
[Katie Anne] You grab that end.
[Gregor] Do you want…
[Katie Anne] Be sure and don’t leave an open hole.
[Gregor] That looks very good.
[Katie Anne] It does, you need to make it as tight as possible.
[Gregor] As tight as possible, very good well I think that I have that tight now, do I?
[Katie Anne] You have a tight grip on it, as far down as possible.
[Gregor] And you’re just using string are you?
[Katie Anne] I’m using string.
[Gregor] The duf is boiling for all of a little more than three hours with a dish under it in a pan of boiling water. Isn’t it good that I don’t have to wait as long as that – there’s another duf ready. It came out of the pan and it sat chilling for half an hour until there was a skin on it. Now to cut it. Well doesn’t that look good.
[Katie Anne] It looks good.
[Gregor] Will I cut it?
[Katie Anne] You cut it.
[Gregor] Are we going to have a piece of it.
[Katie Anne] Eat it! Oh yes, it is tasty. It isn’t hard at all. It won’t last a minute here.
[Gregor] Just right I think. Thank you!
[Katie Anne] You’re welcome.